Cool Pics


George and Tom at the Eiffel Tower!
The hostel room I stayed in for the first two weeks.

The view was great!

A Starbucks I go to when I miss the States...

A lecture I attended at l'Université de Paris Descartes

By the Seine

Love Lock Bridge by the Seine

Me trying to be funny at the Louvre

Dangling over the Gardens at the Chateau de Versailles

Marté McFly in the Métro?

l'Arc de Triomph!

Medieval War Museum

When You See It...
Strapped up for my first experiment

Accelerometers and Codomotion sensors on my feet!

Strange things I see on the metro...

Friday apéritif (office party).  That's my boss in the white shirt

Parc de Belleville

Reading le Petit Nicolas at Sacré Coeur for a cool Sunday afternoon.


Hangzhou Dianzi University has the largest gate in all of Asia

At this restaurant, I ate chicken stomach and oxen liver

Downtown Hangzhou

Hangzhou Dianzi University Department of Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation

Experimentation with my research partner, Gui

EMG Experimentation Apparatus (on my arm)

A fascinating cove at West Lake

West Lake, a famous attraction in Hangzhou

My fellow graduate students and I at West Lake

Hangzhou Museum of Surgical Sciences

Downtown Hangzhou

Hangzhou Dianzi University front lawn

8 hours later...

One of many people who asked to take a picture with an American boy

Saying goodbye to Professor Meng

Two graduate students that worked by my side all summer

Views from the Lab

Chicken Feet

When you order fish in China

My very own desk

Day trip to Shanghai, China

On the back of a moped with London students

Harry, a W&J student I met across the world!

Gui & I at West Lake

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