China Magellan Project

Summer 2016, I spent six weeks in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China working at a Visiting Student of Research in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Hangzhou Dianzi University.  I worked with a team of graduate students that has been developing a new prosthetic hand.

They added the English translation just for me (just kidding)

The end goal of this project is to fabricate a myoelectric prosthetic hand for amputees.  This type of prosthetic is controlled by electromyography (EMG) signals from another part of the body.  Our hand is controlled by muscle activity in the forearm tracked by EMGs.  Although these prosthetics already exist in the market, Hangzhou Dianzi University has been developing a new method of processing EMG readings to predict hand movements.  This method involves new mathematical algorithms for processing EMG data based on muscle synergy theory, a new neuroscience theory that suggests how muscles interact.  Muscle synergy theory algorithms may offer a method of controlling prosthetics that is more accurate and comparable to natural hand movements.

EMGs hooked up to my arm

I am currently still working with the graduate students from Hangzhou Dianzi University via Skype with hopes to publish a paper with them by December 2016.  Here is my final paper on my summer research that we are using as the base for our future publication

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