Wednesday, June 3, 2015

About Me

 My name is Blynn Shideler, more commonly known as local Twitter celebrity @blynnythepooh (follow me), and I am a senior at Washington & Jefferson College.  I completed my 2016 Magellan Project as a Visiting Student of Research in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Hangzhou Dianzi University in Hangzhou, China.  Additionally, I completed a Magellan Project in Summer 2015 as a Biomedical Engineering Intern at the University of Paris Descartes in Paris, France.

I am a biomedical engineering (3-2 Engineering Program) and French student.  At Washington & Jefferson, I take pride in my role as the third-string 149 lb. wrestler on our NCAA Division-III wrestling team, but I enjoy being a part of many other groups.  I am involved in W&J Greek Life (ΒΘΠ), Washington Fellows Honors Program, French Club, Society of Physics Students, and I am even a bass in the W&J choir (since when do wrestlers sing?).  Aside from my position as a Residence Assistant, I work as a physics research assistant in the Swanson Science Labs and also work for Washington & Jefferson Admissions and PAL tutoring.  In my free time, I like to appreciate the fact that I have free time.

The Magellan Project is an organization, exclusive to Washington & Jefferson, that funds summer research projects and internships.  The Magellan Project is an opportunity for any student at W&J to follow their dreams (literally).  Through Magellan, students have the opportunity to design their own project and receive funding to go anywhere in the world to study anything that they desire.

Click HERE for Blynn Shideler's C.V.